
Calendar Smartphone App

The Cascadians online event calendar is best accessed from a smartphone with the app provided by the calendar provider, Teamup.  To set up this option, go to your smartphone Store app and download the app called Teamup Calendar, or login to this website on your phone's web browser, open this page, and click on the appropriate link below:

Teamup Calendar for iPhone

Teamup Calendar for Android

Once you download the app, you will use the URL text below to identify our specific Cascadians event calendar to the app.  DO NOT click on this link.  That will merely take you to our calendar in a web browser.  Instead, copy the URL text below and paste it in (or type it in) when asked for it by the Teamup app using the instructions below. 

Cascadians Calendar URL text:

On iPhone, the instructions are:

  1. Tap the little person profile logo at the upper right
  2. Tap 'Dashboard'
  3. Tap the '+' sign in the green circle at lower right on the Dashboard
  4. Tap 'Connect an existing calendar'
  5. Tap the text box below 'Please enter a calendar URL.' and either type or paste in the URL text above (better off with copy/paste)
  6. Tap 'Done'

The Android process is probably the same or similar. That exercise is left to the reader.  If you have problems or questions, send them in an email message to .

Satch Ludington,


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